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This program will change your employees' lives.

Companies are like families. The health and wellness of every member matters. Cadey specializes in helping working parents whose families are impacted by mental health, behavior, neurodiversity, or learning concerns.

Your employees are concerned about their child’s behavior and wellbeing. Child psychologists designed this program to help parents. When there’s peace at home, there’s more productivity at work. Things can get better.

With the Cadey mobile app and members area, your employees get:


Personalized recommendations: Based on the concerns they input about their child, parents get personalized recommendations tailored to meet their child’s unique needs.


Assessments: Cadey provides quick quizzes to help your employees pinpoint and prioritize their child’s needs. They can take assessments and learn where to start to support each child. They will learn the vocabulary to help communicate their child’s needs to others.


Instructional videos: Cadey offers a library of instructional videos that cover a wide range of topics, from behavior management to coping techniques to study skills.


Community support: Cadey is a like-minded community of working parents facing similar challenges. Through members-only webinars, your employees can join other parents and Cadey’s psychologist founders to discuss their most pressing parenting concerns.


Practice reminders: Cadey challenges parents to keep working on their goals. Your employees will see a positive impact on their family’s life. The app provides daily reminders and encouragement to help parents stay on track.


Immediate answers: Your employees can get help for issues like hyperactivity, impulsivity, learning problems, tantrums, meltdowns, and behavior issues on their own time and schedule. With one-click access, short videos and articles can help your employees immediately. They can select from courses at their fingertips to dive deep into areas of interest.

Cadey helps me understand my kids better, which helps me keep my calm and make better parenting decisions. Thanks for the information you provide.


Cadey helps my son with learning to control his emotions. And to manage his emotions when they arise out of nowhere.


Cadey has been instrumental in helping navigate our child’s anxiety and outbursts! Highly recommended!!


Cadey has helped me process things instead of feeling like I’m alone in the world.


I like that the steps in Cadey are immediate and short and to the point. It has seriously changed the trajectory of my child’s outbursts, and her ability to follow directions. There are less temper tantrums and more communication just in the little time I’ve had the app. THANK YOU!


Cadey has helpful guidance on big feelings and calming kids down. Cadey app is helpful when I am struggling on how best to handle a situation with my kids. It offers insightful videos for specific topics with kids, which is much appreciated.


Notifications throughout the day and week helps make it easier to remember my parenting techniques!


We realized that there was a lot of unnecessary conflict in our home, and we weren’t sure what to do about it. We had tried different strategies in the past, but nothing aligned very well with what was going on in our home. When we found the Cadey app, it was a game changer.


These videos are short and to the point with the tools parents need to help our children. Just a few minutes a day can really make a difference! The lizard brain/wizard brain and poker face peacock techniques made an immediate difference in our house.


I think Cadey is such a wonderful tool for parents to have and incorporate in raising children! A doctor’s office visit voicing concerns only goes so far.


I love the very tangible advice on a wide variety of topics, and I appreciate that Cadey is adding new content all the time.


Cadey has helped me improve strategies to work with my children and provide them with support they need.


The Details

Immediate answers

Your employees get answers to their most pressing parenting questions. Cadey’s short videos offer quick tips and help your employees can use. This system was created by child psychologists to help working parents get help for their children’s diverse needs. Save time and money by offering Cadey now.

Quick assessments

Cadey offers validated assessments that immediately pinpoint a child’s psychological, behavioral, and developmental needs. Your employee can answer some quick questions and learn where to start in helping their child.

Support work-life balance

Child psychologists have designed these resources for your employees to improve their child’s emotional and behavioral health and their family’s well-being. Your employees can feel happier, be more productive at work, and enjoy improved communication at home with Cadey.

Strategies to reconnect

If your employees are struggling with their child’s behavior, it may feel like everything is a battle. They may be carrying stress and frustration into each workday. When employees feel this way, it is hard for them to feel successful in life. Parents can learn how to reconnect with their families and get life and work back on track.